The twenty-four year old from Veglie Marco De Nigris won the award as best videographer of the year. The jury (manly composed of international experts in video making, photography and cinema) assigned a score of 47/50, making Marco the youngest Italian to win that competition. Also, his video called “PAPA LOVES MAMBO // Hugo and Kirsty”, ranked first in the “Save the date” category (international ranking), third in the “Best Video Editor” category (Italian ranking), and finally, fifth in the “Save the date” category (Italian ranking). The young man was very happy to receive the award and thanked everyone who supported him in his past years of learning and work experience. Marco was born in a family of photographers, yet he always thought that photography margins are way too narrow for his creativity and that his destiny was to pursue videography which gives him a broad sense of freedom. “Cinema just like literature and photography are arts. With this statement I don’t mean to call myself an artist but this award makes me realize how lucky I am – said the young man- I love my job and my beautiful family is always next me supporting me and my passions. I owe everything to my parents”.
WEWA (Worldwide Event Videographers Association) is an international organization of all videographers around the world.
From “La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno” -2019

WEWA ItAward
Best international videographer

WEWA ItAward
Best video editor

WEWA ItAward
Best save the date

WEWA ItAward
Best save the date

WEWA ItAward
Best wedding highlights

WEWA ItAward
Best Colorist
filmmaker of the year